About me

About me


Hi! I’m Saily Debbarma , the author and founder of chemglam.com. I am currently an university student majoring in Biochemistry. I am still figuring through life…………WHy major in biochemistry u might wonder?? When I was in seventh grade I got severe acne, I went to several dermatologists and tried all the so called herbal products my mom and the aunties in my neighborhood were suggesting but none of them really worked. Looks doesn’t matter you say!! But it absolutely does when you are a teen and the first thing people notice when they see you,are your acne. I didn’t know what was going on with my body or skin, but I educated myself and relied on science and that’s when I found out that the subject is actually really interesting and can be used to solve real life problems. So that was just a fraction of the story I have to tell you, follow my blog cuz there is so much I want to share with you. I started this blog to share my journey, and I am Damn sure my journey isn’t over yet I have just started!!

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